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姓    名:李继伟      性    别:

籍    贯:山东滨州    业: 大气物理学与大气环境

学    历:博士研究生

邮    箱:jwli_1023@163.com



 2018.09–2022.06 中国科学院大气物理研究所 大气物理学与大气环境

 2015.09–2018.06 山东大学 环境科学与工程

 2010.09–2014.06 济南大学 环境工程


 2022.08至今 伟德国际1946源自英国 bevictor伟德官网







(1)Li J., Zhang Z., Wu Y., Tao J., Xia Y., Wang C., Zhang R., 2021. Effects of chemical compositions in fine particles and their identified sources on hygroscopic growth factor during dry season in urban Guangzhou of South China. Science of the Total Environment, 801, 149749.  

(2)Li J., Wu Y., Ren L., Wang W., Tao J., Gao Y., Li G., Yang X., Han Z., Zhang R., 2021. Variation in PM2.5 sources in central North China Plain during 2017–2019: Response to mitigation strategies. Journal of Environmental Management, 288, 112370.  

(3)Li J., Chen, B., de la Campa, A.M.S., Alastuey, A., Querol, X., de la Rosa, J.D., 2018. 2005–2014 trends of PM10 source contributions in an industrialized area of southern Spain. Environmental Pollution, 236, 570-579.  

(4) Wu Y., Li J., Jiang C., Xia Y., Tao J., Tian P., Zhou C., Wang C., Xia X., Huang R., Zhang R., 2021. Spectral absorption properties of organic carbon aerosol during a polluted winter in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 755, 142600.  

(5) Wu Y.,Li J., Xia Y., Deng Z., Tao J., Tian P., Gao Z., Xia X., Zhang R., 2021. Size-resolved refractive index of scattering aerosols in urban Beijing: A seasonal comparison. Aerosol Science and Technology, 55, 1070-1083.  

(6) Gao E., Feng W., Huang B., Zhu J., Wang W., Li J.*, He Y., 2022. The enhanced resistance to Na+-poisoning of MnCoCrOx SCR catalyst by acidity regulation: The mechanism of sulfuric acid pretreatment. Molecular Catalysis, 518, 112084.

(7) Ran, L., Deng, Z., Wu, Y., Li, J., Bai, Z., Lu, Y., Zhuoga, D., Bian, J., 2021. Measurement report: Vertical profiling of particle size distributions over Lhasa, Tibet: Tethered balloon-based in-situ measurements and source apportionment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 1-29. (SCI一区TOP)

(8) Xia Y., Wu Y., Huang R., Xia X., Tang J., Wang M., Li J., Wang C., Zhou C., Zhang R., 2020. Variation in black carbon concentration and aerosol optical properties in Beijing: Role of emission control and meteorological transport variability. Chemosphere,254, 126849.

(9) Liu K., Wang F., Li J., Tiwari S., Chen B., 2019. Assessment of trends and emission sources of heavy metals from the soil sediments near the Bohai Bay. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,26, 29095-29109.

(10) Xu W., Wang F., Li J., Tian L., Jiang X., Yang J., Chen B., 2017. Historical variation in black carbon deposition and sources to Northern China sediments. Chemosphere, 172, 242-248.  





