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    名:刘睿            别:男

    贯:山西平遥        业:地质学

硕导/博导:硕导      邮    箱:liurui@sdut.edu.cn








2021.1~2022.12  担任山东地矿工程勘察院“科技副总

2021.9~2022.8   担任青年教师辅导员

2020.9~至今     伟德国际1946源自英国,副教授(伟德国际1946源自英国“先进资源利用长江学者团队”核心成员)

2017.9~2020.8   中山大学,博士后







1.          Rui Liu, Benyu Bo, Dongping Tao*, Genwen Chen. Bastnäsite nanoparticles in carbonatite-syenite-hosted REE depositImplication for La and Ce migration and bastnäsite growth. 2021. Chemosphere. (TOPIF=5.227)

2.          Rui Liu, Xinabiao Lin, Guoqiang Wang, Xiang Liu. Natural N-bearing nanoparticles in sediments of a shallow bay of the south china: A new N form in N-cycling. Ecological Indicators. (SCIIF=4.229)

3.          刘睿,王国强, 杜远生, 余文超. 纳米矿物在堆积型铝土矿床研究中的应用. 古地理学报, 2020, 22(5): 1012-1020. (高质量科技期刊:T1).

4.          Rui Liu, Jianjing Cao, Guai Hu. 2020. Revealing a new transport form of natural material by naturally occurring spherical amorphous silica particles in soil aerosol. Chemical Geology. (TOPIF=3.3/JCRQ1).

5.          Liu, R.,Chen, GW. The 109 porphyry Cu deposit in the western Tianshan orogenic belt, NW China: An example of Cu mineralization in a reduced magmatic- hydrothermal system in an extensional setting. Ore Geology Reviews, 2019, 112: 1-12. (TOP, JCR-2).

6.          Liu, R., Cao, JJ., Luo, SY., Liao, YP., Chen, J. Particulates in the ascending gas caused by the 2013 Ya'an earthquake: A new matter released by earthquake.Geological Journal, 2019, 55(2): 1216-1226. (SCI, JCR-3).

7.          Liu, R., Chen, GW., Yang, JX. Compositions of Cu-(Fe)-sulfides in the 109 reduced granite-related Cu deposit, Xinjiang, northwest China: Implications on the characteristics of ore-forming fluids. Geofluids, 2020. DOI: org/10.1155/2020/7391369. (SCI, JCR-3)

8.          Liu, R., Cao, JJ., Deng, YK., Wang, GQ., Liu, X. Formation of nano- or near-nanoparticles via oxidation in the Dabaoshan concealed deposit, Guangdong Province. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020. 13: 1061. (SCI, JCR-4).

9.          Liu, R., Chen, GW., Wang, LX. Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements, Zr, and Hf in Ore-Bearing Porphyries from the Western Awulale Metallogenic Belt, Northwestern China and their Application in Determining Metal Fertility of Granitic Magma: REEs, Zr and Hf in ore-bearing porphyries.  Resource Geology, 2018, 69(2): 193-210. (SCI, JCR-4).

10.      刘睿, 王历星, 陈根文.西天山阿吾拉勒成矿带群吉A型花岗岩成因、地质意义及成矿潜力评价. 岩石学报, 2016, 33(6): 1741-1754. (SCI, JCR-3).

11.      Chen, GW., Yang, JX., Liu, R*., Wang LX., Wang, K. Geochemistry of mafic volcanics in the Bayingou ophiolitic mélange, Western Tianshan, NW China: Implications for magma genesis and tectonic setting. Lithos, 2019, 352-353:1-15. (SCI TOP, JCR-1).

12.      Xiaobo Tan, Benyu Bo, Peng Zhang, Guanyuan Shao, Rui Liu*, Kun Wang. 2021. Carbonaceous nanoparticles in Zibo hot springs: Implications for the cycling of carbon and associated elements. Environmental Chemistry Letters. (中国科学院分区大类二区,IF=9.027/JCRQ1).

13.      Liu, X., Liu, R*., Luo. XE., Lu, MQ. Natural HgS nanoparticles in sulfide minerals from the Hetai goldfield. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2020, 18: 941–947. (SCI, JCR-3).

14.    刘睿,王历星,王焰,陈根文.新疆中天山科克苏地区高钾钙碱性花岗岩地球化学特征、成因及形成环境.新疆地质,33(4)421-428 (2015).


2022.01-2024.12 国家青年基金:桂西地区靖西喀斯特型铝土矿床纳米矿物微粒特征及成矿意义研究. 24万元, 主持.

2022.01-2024.12 山东省青年基金:山东省微山稀土矿床含稀土纳米颗粒特征及成矿意义研究. 15万元, 主持.

2021.03-2022.02 横向课题:矿井水水源类型识别及防治研究. 50万元. 主持.

2021.08-2023.07 校企合作项目:淄博碳酸盐岩热储地热流体中的含碳纳米颗粒特征及意义. 5万元, 主持.

2019.09-2022.08 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目:广东乐昌禾尚田大型钨锡矿床地下水微粒特征及其找矿应用研究(2020A1515010906.主持.

2019.01-2021.12 青年教师培育项目:矿物内部纳米微粒及成矿意义研究——以湖南康家湾铅锌金银矿床为例(No. 191gpy75.主持.

2019.12-2021.11 中国科学院矿物与成矿重点实验室开放基金:新疆西天山阿吾拉勒成矿带西段还原型斑岩铜矿硫化物显微结构及成分对成矿过程的制约KLMM20190204.主持.

2012.01-2015.12 十二五国家科技支撑项目(课题编号:2011BAB06B00):楚伊犁-阿吾拉勒铜金铅锌成矿系统研究与靶区评价.主要参与人.




